



1?¢have time to love yourself£? don't count on others£? others are busy.The tough days will always be over£? don't believe you look back£? you have been unconsciously through a lot of hardships.

2?¢è???μ?2?±?±?×??oè¥×?2???×??oμ?????è?£???′ó1ìè?ê?o?£?μ?′àè?oíèáèíò2??óDê2?′1y′í?£ò???è?2?ó???μ???ò??§?ó?é£?ò???è???òa??μ???ò???è??íDDá?£?óD×e??£?óD×·?ó£?óD????£?ò2óDèíè?oíí?·?μ?ê±oò?£?a?a ?à????

3?¢People really don't have to force themselves to do not like their own kind of people£? strong is good£? but weak and soft is no fault.A person does not have to live like a team£? as long as a person to live like a person on the line£? dignity£? pursuit£? have a dream£? there are weak and decadent time.- the canoe


上海后花园论坛5?¢Your bitter fruit today is yesterday's foreshadow£? your present pay£? is tomorrow's flower.

6?¢The more people you meet£? the more you know who you really want to be around.The more places you've been£? the more you know where you want to go back to.


上海后花园论坛8?¢to grow up£? to lovely£? to work hard£? to become rich.But don't become all kinds of weird£? unlovable people.



11?¢today again big matter£? to tomorrow is a small matter; This year again big thing£? to next year is the story.Everything happy point£? anyway finally who also can't leave this world alive!

上海后花园论坛12?¢If you can't find a reason to stick to it£? then find a reason to start over£? life is so simple.With a little courage£? you can turn your life around and start all over again.Life is too short for regrets.If it is not the end£? smile and move on.


上海后花园论坛1?¢Even if not happiness£? is always not warm£? but very happy.

2?¢I?ˉll think of you every step of the way.


上海后花园论坛4?¢Goodlove makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes youabandon the whole world for one person.


6?¢One needs èy?¢things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do£? some one to love£? some thing to hope for.

7?¢There are three things in life irreparable: time£? opportunity£? and speak out.

8?¢In your life£? there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone£? asking for no result£? no company£? no ownership nor love.Just sk formeeting you in my most beautiful years.







15?¢Curtain call yesterday£? grasp today£? forecast is tomorrow.


1?¢The grievance that can be said is not grievance; the love that can be taken away is not love.


上海后花园论坛3?¢Every day that never dances is a betrayal of life.


上海后花园论坛5?¢Drink when you have wine£? love when you have love.Life is so short£? and a few more restraints will really pass.


上海后花园论坛7?¢There is no permanent rainy season in life£? only long-lost sunny days.We must believe that there will be unexpected luck and unexpected joy.

8?¢Old people have their own good past£? but not good enough to remember£? because the best people are around you£? not let you remember.



11?¢Our greatest kindness is to be polite to strangers£? patient with our families£? considerate to our loved ones£? and not to disturb the old ones.

12?¢At a certain age£? we should learn to be taciturn.Every sentence should be useful and weighty.Happiness and anger are indifferent£? major events are indifferent and have their own bottom line.





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